Root 3 LITE Dimensions

What size should I make my Root 3 LITE CNC?

Below is the formula to calculate the following parameters:

  1. How big will my baseboard and working area be for a given box section length (X,Y)?

Below is the image for a Root 3 Standard machine but the principle is the same :

Root 3 CNC dimensions

1- Calculate baseboard and working area dimensions – using box section lengths

The default values are already filled, are for the machine I have built – Please change these values to make it your own and feel free to make the machine any size you want.

Please enter you side panel thickness

Side Panel thickness (mm)

Please enter the length of your motor

Motor Depth (mm)

Please enter the length of the box section

X (mm) Y (mm)


X_Axis_Baseboard = (2 * Side Panel) + (2 * Motor Depth) + X Axis Box Section Length + 81
Y_Axis_Baseboard = Y Axis Box Section Length + 105

X_Axis_Working_Area = X Axis Box Section Length – 136
Y_Axis_Working_Area = Y Axis Box Section Length – 130