How to make a PCB

How to make a PCB using a Root CNC machine

In this tutorial I used a Root 3 LITE. However, This will work with any Root CNC machine.

Using a CNC milling rather than a laser or etching in acid will allow you to machine the PCB tracks, Drill the through holes and machine the outline – something of which the other processes can’t do.

Demo Video

Work flow

Eagle PCB -> Eagle PCB Gcode -> CNCGCODECONTROLLER -> Marlin -> PCB


Eagle PCB Gcode –

Custom Marlin Firmware –


Source Files



30 x LED (KP-3216QBC-D) Farnel order number – 2217976

30 x 180R resistors (MCWR08X1800FTL) Farnel order number – 2447583

What you need

  • Copper Clad
  • Engraving bit
  • correct drill size for the all the holes (This job only used a 1 mm drill bit)
  • 3mm end mill to machine the outline


  1. Fix copper clad to the work area – I used screws and double sided carpet tape
  2. Home the machine – Encase you need to power cycle or restart a job you can start again.
  3. insert engraving bit
  4. Go to work piece origin – IE G0 X30 Y35 <- this depends where you fix the material down
  5. Probe the origin to get work piece height – G30 <- probe needs to be connected
  6. Set probe height – G92 Z0
  7. Run auto level routine
  8. Disconnect probe
  9. Rise spindle height G0 Z10
  10. Run spindle – M106
  11. Perform the Etch operation
  12. Once complete, stop spindle – M107 or M106 S0
  13. Go to work piece origin – G0 X0 Y0
  14. Change to drill bit
  15. Probe the origin to get work piece height – G30 <- probe needs to be connected
  16. Set probe height – G92 Z0
  17. Disconnect probe
  18. Rise spindle height G0 Z10
  19. Run spindle – M106
  20. Perform the drill operation
  21. If multiple drills sizes need then repeat at step 12
  22. Once complete, stop spindle – M107 or M106 S0
  23. Go to work piece origin – G0 X0 Y0
  24. Change to end mill to preform board outline
  25. Probe the origin to get work piece height – G30 <- probe needs to be connected
  26. Set probe height – G92 Z0
  27. Disconnect probe
  28. Rise spindle height G0 Z10
  29. Run spindle – M106
  30. Perform the board outline operation
  31. Once complete, stop spindle – M107 or M106 S0
  32. Home the machine – G28
  33. Your PCB is done!